A History of Operative Stonemasons

An ongoing series on the social history of the Operative Masons – from ancient Egypt to the Modern Day (published in The Square magazine)

Cagliostro’s Egyptian Rite

Unfairly, history has been somewhat unsympathetic to a man regarded as an occult charlatan and a purported embarrassment to Freemasonry. His Egyptian Rite is in fact a beautiful work of Hermetic and Masonic philosophy, an introduction to higher alchemical teachings, blending what he believed were the three most honourable and noble arts in the world.Continue reading “Cagliostro’s Egyptian Rite”

There’s a revolution happening in Egypt – but this time it’s art.

‘It’s not safe in Egypt’. That phrase is becoming a bit worn now, I hear it every time I book another trip. I’ve been going since 2001, a month after the Twin Towers were brought down and the idea of going to Egypt appalled everyone I knew. I survived that and subsequent visits, including oneContinue reading “There’s a revolution happening in Egypt – but this time it’s art.”